Avatar Na'Vi female drawing.
A step by step guide to drawing a Na'Vi female face from the film Avatar.
Adding details to your Na'vi drawing.
Avatar Na'Vi female drawing: Facial details.
Once you have your initial sketch you will now need to start bringing your Na'Vi female to life.
![How to create your own Avatar Na'Vi female drawing.](Na'Vi-Female-face/Scan0009.gif)
Na'Vi eyes.
For your Avatar drawing, the first thing to do is to work on the eyes. Starting with my sketched out line I will now begin to add some more detail to the eyes by firstly, lightly shading the corners to emphasize their cat like shape. Always remember that the eyes are larger than a humans. See Na'Vi Eyes
![Drawing an Avatar. Adding detail to the Na'Vi females eyes](Na'Vi-Female-face/Scan0010.jpg)
Secondly, I will also darken the lines above the eyes and around the edge of the Iris. This is to define the eyes and start to bring them to life. With that done I will then darken the pupil. By darkening the pupil the eye instantly appears to be staring out at you. It is very important that you do not darken the whole of the pupil as it will become flat and lose its life like appearance. Always make sure that you leave a small lighter area within the eye to emphasize reflection as this will make the eye look more convincing.
The nose.
Drawing an Avatar feline female nose.
Once I am happy with the initial look of the eyes I can then move on to the nose. The nose is more like that of a cat rather than a human so I will shape and shade it accordingly. Being flatter and less prominent than a humans it will also be wider at the bridge tapering slightly down to the the nostrils which are more elongated in appearance. See Na'Vi nose.
![Avatar, Na'Vi female nose.](Na'Vi-Female-face/Na'Vi%20female%20nose.JPG)
As seen above the shape of the nose expands; over the top of the eyes which is a strong characteristic of a feline species.
The mouth.
Although the mouth is slightly feline in that it has a cat like appearance when opened it is however human in appearance when closed. With that said, draw your mouth the same as you would for a human female only slightly elongate its edges. If you require help drawing your mouth see our tutorial Lips and Mouth. The shape of the mouth will depend on the way you have drawn your Na'Vi . See also Na'Vi Mouths
If your characters mouth is open you will need to emphasise the feline shape slightly more as shown below. Also as the Na'Vi have the characteristics of cats their teeth also partly resemble those of a cat. See Na'Vi Mouths.
![Na'vi female face pencil sketch](Na'Vi-Female-face/Na'Vi%20female%20face%20sketch.JPG)